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Birmingham Palliative

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Palliative Care In Birmingham

We offer personalized care tailored to your needs and values. If you or someone you love has a life-limiting illness, we’re here to listen and help.

Our care extends to the entire family, with medical, practical, and emotional support throughout the hospice journey. Call us to learn how Medicare-approved support enables you to live every moment of life as fully as possible.

Most families receive care in the place they call home. If that is not possible, we can provide care in nursing facilities, inpatient hospice, or other settings.

palliative in birmingham

What is Palliative Care?

Palliative care is an extra layer of relief from the symptoms and stress of a serious illness. It coordinates care to respond to your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Care includes support for family members, especially family caregivers. It is available at any stage of a serious illness and can be provided along with curative treatment.

Palliative care does not signal you are giving up hope for recovery. You may continue receiving curative and/or life-prolonging treatments and move in and out of care as needed. 

When Is It Time For Palliative Care?

It can be difficult to determine when palliative care should begin. Generally, palliative care should be started as soon as a serious illness is diagnosed. The earlier palliative care begins, the more likely it is that the patient and their family will receive the help they need to manage their symptoms and cope with the diagnosis. Palliative may continue throughout the course of a patient’s illness, from the time they are diagnosed to end-of-life care. It may overlap with other types of medical treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer patients.

The palliative care team will work closely with the patient’s health care team to ensure that the palliative care plan is coordinated with other forms of treatment. It can also be beneficial to start palliative care even if a cure is still possible, as this helps to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life while other treatments are ongoing. Palliative care should not be considered an alternative to other treatments but rather as an additional layer of support and comfort. It is important to remember that palliative care can be beneficial at any stage of a serious illness and should not be delayed until the end of life.

While palliative care may bring comfort and relief to patients and their families, it does not replace other forms of medical treatment. It is designed to complement existing treatments and provide additional support for patients and their families during difficult times.

We want to hear from you!

Thank you for trusting Compassus to care for you or your loved one. Your feedback helps us improve our services and better serve our patients and families. Click the link here or below to leave us a review. 

Ascension at Home, together with Compassus, provides professional care in the familiar surroundings of the home. We work with you and your doctor to get you back on a path to recovery and better health.