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Everyday Compassion Blog

Josiah’s Story: Thriving with Crohn’s Disease Thanks to Ascension at Home’s Infusion Therapy

Josiah Acting

Josiah Dempsey, a resilient 25-year-old from Sherwood, Wisconsin with a chronic disease, is no longer missing out on life’s opportunities.

As a child, Josiah was always lively and adventurous, recalling the many camping trips and video game marathons he shared with his family. However, his middle school years brought a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease that cast a shadow over these joyful times.

“As a kid, I saw it as this incurable thing that would always be a part of me, and it felt like the fun stops now,” Josiah remembers, reflecting on the weight of his diagnosis.

Josiah encountered physical and emotional hurdles. Navigating various medications and managing their side effects became a routine part of his life. He started treatment using steroids and maintenance drugs, but his health journey took a significant turn with the introduction of biologic medication. This treatment, known as infusion therapy, was administered intravenously once a month.

If you are a provider and would like to learn more about our infusion services or refer a patient, click here.


“The freedom infusion therapy offers is a game-changer. It’s like a regular appointment, not something to dread,” Josiah emphasizes. The impact was profound. In contrast to the constant pain and fatigue he had faced, the monthly infusions brought a sense of control and stability to his life.

Through the infusion services provided by the care team at Ascension at Home he found relief and regained autonomy of his life. Josiah says his infusion therapy experience with Ascension at Home has been filled with compassion and professionalism.

Ascension At Home’s infusion suite in Appleton, Wisconsin, offers intravenous (IV) infusions, injections and other specialty therapies in a peaceful environment from a compassionate care team. Infusion therapy offers more than just convenience—it can be vital for patients with medical conditions who need regular hydration, nutrient replenishment or medication treatments.

“The staff takes the time to know me and make me feel comfortable. It’s a very positive experience,” Josiah states, highlighting the difference in approach compared to previous medical providers.

Josiah acting imageBeyond alleviating the physical burden, infusion therapy initiated a ripple effect of positivity. “When I started feeling better, my relationships with family and friends improved,” Josiah shares. Freed from the burden of constant pain, he pursued higher education and is now actively involved in his local theater troop.

Josiah’s experience exemplifies the power of effective medical treatment and compassionate care in a convenient setting. Services provided through Ascension at Home, together with Compassus, other patients grappling with similar health battles have the potential for positive change like Josiah.

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