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Everyday Compassion Blog

Brighten the Day of a Hospice Patient

Kelly Rusoff

Kelly Rusoff, a hospice volunteer in Helena, Montana, knows it’s the little things that make a difference when visiting hospice patients. Her ideas for sharing time help her develop relationships with patients who have diverse needs and personalities.

While Kelly’s most endearing quality is her compassion and warmth, her experience has taught her a few things about connecting with people dealing with a serious illness.

Kelly’s Tips

  1. Visit the local library to find publications of interest to your patients.
  2. Bring your patient’s favorite treats, if it’s allowed, when you visit.
  3. Download movies or snippets of the patient’s favorite things, such as puppies, cats, etc., to share at your next visit.
  4. Download music by your patient’s favorite artists to share at your next visit.
  5. Bring a small bouquet of fresh flowers to brighten the patient’s day.
  6. Simply sit and visit during a meal. People enjoy having company during mealtime, rather than eating alone.