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Improving Person-Centered Medication Safety

It’s intentional that one of the first modules in Compassus’ Care Delivery model is Right Meds, Right Time. Understanding and assessing the substances patients take – prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, herbals and supplements – is a key component of patient-centered medication safety.

Nurse and older adult male discussion medications

The Compassus Care Delivery model includes:

  1. Building an accurate, beneficial and comprehensive medication list.
  2. Providing clear, readable and understandable medication instructions.
  3. Educating and empowering patients and caregivers to be partners in their care.
  4. Prioritizing and investing in person-centered medication safety.

The Compassus Right Meds, Right Time approach incorporates medication reconciliation at every nursing visit and interdisciplinary team meeting, a deprescribing guide and formulary to guide decision-making, and skillful conversations to ensure patients and caregivers are fully informed about the benefits and burdens of each medication.

Why Person-Centered Care Matters

Our Compassus team takes person-centered care seriously because they understand that every patient is unique. They work closely with patients to create individualized care plans, including medication management, based on their specific needs, preferences, and health goals.

By focusing on the person and not just the illness, Compassus helps patients live their lives to the fullest while managing their health effectively and safely.