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Everyday Compassion Blog

Supporting Colorectal Health: Compassus’ Commitment to Awareness and Care

National Colorectal Awareness Month

March marks National Colorectal Awareness Month, a time when we shine a light on the importance of colorectal health. At Compassus, we are dedicated to raising awareness, providing education, and offering support for patients and their families through our Palliative Care Services. 

Colorectal cancer is a significant health concern but can be preventable and treatable cancer when caught early, making early detection essential. Compassus is committed to educating patients and their families about the importance of regular screenings starting at age 45, or earlier if there are risk factors or a family history of colorectal cancer. 

Through our palliative care services, we bring care and support directly to our patients’ homes when treatments are no longer an option or pain management is needed. Our skilled nurses and healthcare professionals provide personalized care plans, including assistance with medication management, symptom control, and emotional support. We strive to make our patients feel comfortable and empowered throughout their colorectal health journey. 

The Compassus palliative care team offers specialized support for patients facing serious illness. Focusing on improving quality of life by managing symptoms, providing emotional support, and holistic approach in helping patients navigate complex medical decisions, ensures that patients and their families receive the comprehensive care and support they need. 

At Compassus, we understand that facing colorectal health challenges can be overwhelming. That is why we are committed to being a source of knowledge, compassion, and support for our patients and their families. Together, we can raise awareness, promote early detection, and provide the care and support needed to improve outcomes and enhance quality of life. 

This National Colorectal Awareness Month let us come together to shine a light on the importance of colorectal health. By raising awareness, providing education, and offering support through our palliative care services, we can make a positive impact in the lives of those affected by this disease while advancing well-being and honoring quality of life.  

Learn more about our palliative care services.Â