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Compassus Indianapolis Hospice: Finding Comfort in Yoga

Bereavement Yoga Class

Dealing with the loss of a loved one is one of life’s toughest challenges. It can leave us feeling overwhelmed, sad, and stressed. But did you know that yoga, a practice that involves gentle movements and deep breathing, can help us find solace amid grief? Our Compassus Indianapolis program’s Bereavement Yoga Class is a place where people come together to heal, reflect, and find strength during difficult times. Explore the benefits of bereavement yoga, as shared by participants and volunteers in this heartwarming class.

A Supportive Community

In the words of our Indianapolis’ yoga class instructor and Compassus volunteer, Bonnie, “Everyone has lost someone, and sometimes having a group of remarkable people around you, and a chance to just relax, is just what is needed.” Bereavement yoga provides a supportive community of individuals who understand the pain of loss, offering a sense of belonging and companionship that can be very comforting during the grieving process.

Working through Grief

Grief isn’t something that disappears overnight; it’s a journey, and bereavement yoga provides a path to healing that continues over time. It allows participants to address their grief and stress gradually and effectively. According to hospice volunteer Daniel Jackson, the class offers “a long-term approach to grief that I find helpful.”

Finding Joy

Liz Keele, another hospice volunteer, shared her personal experience: “I have said goodbye to three family members, and they were all different experiences. The practice has soothed me and brought joy for the past 10 years.” Bereavement yoga can bring solace and moments of joy during tough times, helping to ease the emotional burden of loss.

Holistic Healing

Nancy Russell expressed how the yoga instructor, Bonnie, helps participants on multiple levels: “Bonnie helps us all physically, mentally, and spiritually. She is a real gift.” Bereavement yoga isn’t just about physical movements; it’s about nurturing the mind and spirit, offering a holistic approach to healing.

Coping with Life’s Passages

Bereavement yoga helps equip individuals with the tools to navigate the ups and downs of life, fostering resilience and emotional well-being. John Henry, a class participant for the past five years, emphasized how the relaxation and meditation elements of the yoga program have helped him cope with life’s inevitable losses. He shared, “Because of my age, I am at a point in my life where I seem to be experiencing losses of life– family, and friends– fairly regularly. The relaxation and meditation elements of the yoga program help me cope with these passages.”

Bereavement Yoga Class

Find Support with Compassus

The Compassus Indianapolis program’s bereavement yoga is much more than just physical exercise. It creates a safe space for individuals to heal, find support, and rediscover moments of joy during their grief journey. As these testimonials reveal, the power of yoga goes beyond the mat, helping people cope with the challenges of loss and find comfort in the company of others who understand their pain. If you’re struggling with grief, consider exploring bereavement yoga or find the bereavement and grief support through Compassus that is right for you and your grief journey. Remember, it’s necessary to grieve, and there’s support available to help you through the process.

Learn more about our grief and bereavement support.

Learn more about becoming a hospice volunteer.